Monday, October 12, 2009

Meeting with client...

Well, I've had my first meeting with my first client today. It went well. Didn't really know what to expect and tried to prepare for all eventualities. I took everything I'd done to show her and got some positive feedback. The only problem is, is I don't think she really knows what she wants. The good thing is, she's in no urgent rush to have a final design. The main issue to address is a name change. From 'The Cheeky Monkey Cake Company,' to 'The Sugar Monkey Cake Company,' A confusion on both parts, but no problem to change to. In terms of colour, we have agreed to keep it to two colour and stay with light, 'sugary' pastel colours. At the moment I'm going to try and work with pink and grey. I feel that so far the logo isn't very compact and logo like and I'm working to combine the text and image into a shape. For example and circle so that it can be easily adapted to different products, like stickers and glass window displays which she would like to use in the future. I'm quite excited and feel like it's starting to work and from the feedback I got I think she was positive about it all too. She took some of my design sheets away with her of monkeys I've drawn and is going to show them to her partner. In the mean time I just need to crack on and email her a version of the logo we agreed I would work with. Yey!

Thursday, October 8, 2009